What is Google Analytics?

What Is Google Analytics?

Google Analytics is a Google service that tracks and measures all of the traffic that comes to your website. The goal of Google Analytics is to help you as the owner of a business to deliver a high-quality website to your customers and provide you with all the necessary insight regarding the website statistics. By using Google Analytics, you eliminate all of the guesswork about your website visitors. You will know exactly how many visitors you receive, what days of the week they come, what time of the day they are visiting, where they came from, how they found you, what website or app referred them, what pages they looked at, how long they stayed on each page, what links they clicked, whether they were first-time or repeat visitors, what type of device they used to access your website, who are converting and who’s not interested, and more.

Google Analytics also tracks events on your website which tell you who's converting and who's not interested. Some examples of events are, a filled out and submitted contact form, a click on a specific link, or a visit to a specific page. You can also define custom events that mean something to you, perhaps a visitor that visits more than 3 pages on your website, or a visitor that stays on your website for more than 10 minutes.

Then it presents all of these various data points in an all-in-one view dashboard so that analyzing all that data, making informed decisions on what's working and what is missing the mark, then taking suitable actions becomes easier for you. So basically, Google Analytics helps you market to the right people, in the right way.

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